Publications and CV
Castro, L.A., Fox, S.J., Chen, X., Liu, K., Bellan, S.E., Dimitrov, N.B., Galvani, A.P.,
Meyers, L.A. (2016) Real-time Zika risk assessment in the United States. bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/056648.
Castro, L.A., Peterson, J.K., Saldana, A., Perea, M.Y., Calzada, J.E., Pineda, V., Dobson, A.P.&
Gottdenker, N.L. (2014). Flight behavior and performance of Rhodnius pallescens (Hemiptera:
Reduviidae) on a tethered flight mill. Journal of medical entomology, 51(5), 1010-1018.
Generous, N., Margevicius, K.J., Taylor-McCabe, K.J., Brown, M., Daniel, W.B., Castro, L., Hengartner, A.,
& Deshpande, A. (2014) Selecting essential information-A multi-criteria decision analysis. PLoS one,
9(1), e86601.
Margevicius, K.J., Generous, N., Taylor-McCabe, K.J., Brown, M., Daniel, W.B., Castro, L. ,
Hengartner, A., Deshpande, A. (2014). Advancing a framework to enable characterization and evaluation of data streams
useful for biosurveillance PLoS one, 9(1), e83730.
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